June 2018

Interview by Sonic Perspectives

2019-01-01T23:40:24+00:00June 7, 2018|

Enjoy a captivating interview accompanied by outstanding photography by Joel Barrios from "Sonic Perspectives" who's been a long-time-fan of Royal Hunt according to his own testimony: "Sometimes lost in a space between being too keyboard leaning for the average power metal fan and too heavy for the average prog-rock fan is a band I've followed for over a decade, Royal Hunt. However, even if your initial impression is that the band is just outside your wheelhouse I must suggest you give a full album a listen to get a full [...]

May 2018

André: on Interviews and Interviewers

2019-01-01T23:45:18+00:00May 18, 2018|

André Andersen has been interviewed by our good friend and Japanese fan club representative - Hugh - about interviews and interviewers. Japanese translation can be found below. Enjoy! Q1 : Which is better none of them are interested in your new album and never ask interview or have 10 interviews per a day? A1 : Have 10 interviews per a day. Q2 : Which quality do you want to interviewers have? Order them from most to least. 1) Attitude to entertain you or fans with the interview; 2) Attitude to [...]

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