– “Breathtaking and brilliant – Royal Hunt have delivered yet another masterclass!”. READ FULL:
Metal Kaoz – 9 / 10 – “Precision to the max, both when it comes to musical performance and production. And that’s another thing I love with ROYAL HUNT; their sound is basic and organic, the dynamics are there. It’s full and modern but still vibrant, genial”. READ FULL:
Sweden Rock Magazine (SW) Feb. 2018 – ALBUM OF THE MONTH according to BOTH REVIEWS AND SOUNDCHECK – Get the magazine if you’re in sweden –
Metallized Magazine (DK) Feb.2018 – 9 /10 – “Efter 25 år i prog. rockens internationale liga har Royal Hunt stadig innovation og nytænkning at byde på. Samtidig bevares den umiskendelige lyd af avanceret symphonisk rock, som serveres iørefaldende ukompliceret”. – Get the magazine if you’re in Denmark – – 4.5. / 5.0 – “Für mich ist dieses Album ein musikalisches Resümee der Karriere der Dänen mit all den typischen Markenzeichen und es empfiehlt sich „Cast in Stone“ mehrere Male zu hören und es bewusst wirken zu lassen, denn es braucht die Zeit, um beim Hörer durch seine komplexen Gesamteindruck die volle nachhaltige Wirkung zu erzielen. Hammer” – READ FULL: – 9 / 10 – Mar. 2018 – ALBUM OF THE MONTH “” – READ FULL: – 9 / 10 – “…you already know what you will get with Hunt, solid compositions, very high pace rhythms and intricate deliveries which is great because it keeps you interested and never seems like you are falling of a cliff waiting for some anticlimactic solo and it never gets boring, we are talking about progressive intricacies after all.” – READ FULL:
Rock & Prog – 9 / 10 – “Como es habitual en los discos del grupo, no hay abuso de canciones y tratan de explotar al máximo cada una de ellas. Por eso el nuevo lanzamiento tiene solamente 8 tracks y el sello absoluto de las composiciones de Andersen”. READ FULL:
Grande Rock ezine – 9 / 10 – (SW) Mar. 2018 – ALBUM OF THE MONTH – Royal Hunt is indeed one of the top symphonic metal acts of our time! READ FULL: – 85 / 100 – ‘Cast In Stone’ rappresenta un nuovo capitolo vincente nella storia dei Royal Hunt grazie a riff granitici, melodie neoclassiche, una voce stellare e ritornelli potenti. Sempre gli stessi elementi, apparentemente, ma legati tra loro con uno stile che rende quest’album uno tra i migliori pubblicati nella prima parte dell’anno. READ FULL: – “The new CD picks up where Royal Hunt most celebrated albums (‘Moving Target’ or ‘Paradox’) ended, but also reveals a new side of the band. Melodic and catchy as before, yet with a great atmosphere and a revitalized imaginary both in lyrics and playing.
The album grows from track to track, from the outstanding catchy opener “Fistful Of Misery” over the bombastic “The Wishing Well” to the epic finale “Save Me II”. READ FULL: – “…light years ahead of most of their peers and exceptionally easy to love. Let he who hates a good wank cast the first stone.” READ FULL: – 4 / 5 – “… I do know that there is more depth to the Danes than beer and hygge and that is something that ROYAL HUNT show on this album.” READ FULL: – 8,5 / 10 – “Z tohoto pohledu asi nejoriginálněji funguje „The Last Soul Alive“, kde především díky archaicky znějícím hammondkám Royal Hunt cestují až kamsi do sedmdesátých – osmdesátých let, velice svěží je i klasikou vonící titulní instrumentálka. Jako naprosto tradiční obrázek úžasné dramatičnosti Royal Hunt, jejich svižné lehkonohé melodiky a propracovanosti skladeb v excelentním provedení pak je možné doporučit především strhující „Rest In Peace“ s kapkou jedu ve sborech, nicméně vedle nesáhnete u žádné z písní.” READ FULL: – 8 / 10 – “ROYAL HUNT überraschen mit „Cast in Stone“ nicht wirklich, überzeugen ihre Fanbase aber mit ihrer beeindruckenden Form und einem soliden, guten und ausgeklügeltem Hardrockalbum.” READ FULL:
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