August 2022

Mixing Dystopia – Part 2

2022-08-10T12:38:04+00:00August 10, 2022|

Hey all.  Good news from the NorthPoint dungeon: "Dystopia - Part 2" is at the mixing stage. So far it sounds quite a bit edgier than its predecessor, but fear not – it´s still very much Royal Hunt. The word´s out that this album will contain 9 tracks with running time just under an hour. Mastering session has already been booked and we all simply can´t wait to let you hear the result – should be epic. So wish us luck in mixing "Dystopia - Part 2" and – [...]

July 2022

Dystopia – Part 2: Cover art and the release date

2022-08-10T12:21:04+00:00July 18, 2022|

Hello everybody.  Thanks to your huge support "Dystopia - Part 2"  will see the light of day.  Enjoy the news below. Spread the word. Cheers!   ROYAL HUNT will release their new studio album – “Dystopia. Part 2” – on October 26th via King Records (Japan/SE Asia) and on October 28th via NorthPoint Productions (EU/N & S America). The second and final part of the concept will again feature guest performers: Mats Leven (TSO, Skyblood, Vandenberg), Mark Boals (Y.J. Malmsteen, Ring of Fire, Royal Hunt), Henrik Brockman (Royal Hunt, [...]

March 2022

“Dystopia – Part 2” is in production

2022-07-13T10:30:02+00:00March 24, 2022|

Dear friends, You´ve been warned repeatedly, so there´re absolutely no excuses left to “not-to-know”: pre-ordering campaign for our long awaited “Dystopia – Part 2” album is finally on! Thinking back to the release date of the “Part 1” back in 2020 makes you realize what a crazy time we all went through just during the last two years: who could have imagined that our “Dystopia” – project would reflect the harsh reality in such detail? And the madness is still ongoing. In any case, “Dystopia – Part 2” is [...]

#01 Studio Update – Drum Recording

2022-09-22T08:13:51+00:00March 7, 2022|

Dear friends, Welcome to Royal Hunt Camp 2022! Andreas “Habo” finished recording his drum parts for “Dystopia – Part 2” (and did it with his usual flair and precision) but yet he attached a video, explaining in an absolutely unnecessary detail a crucial importance of every screw and bolt of his new drum kit. Yes, he switched from Pearl to Gretsch and – according to himself – the Earth started rotating a bit faster and the sun´s now shining a bit brighter – simply because of that. If you can stay awake through [...]

November 2021

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